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In 2005, my mother succumbed to the irresistible charm of Arka, a magnificent little ball of fur that was entirely scarlet white. Arka was a dog of infinite delicacy, powerful, with an expressive and piercing eye. As you can see, Arka was a White Swiss Shepherd. Barely a teenager, although I spend all my free time with this loving dog, I am not yet aware of the multiple qualities of this breed. I will discover them later over time.

The separation from the canine species was difficult when I returned to University. I fell for it, and I decided to welcome Glass, a 6-month-old Belgian Tervueren Shepherd. Glass is a dynamic, friendly and loyal dog.

My passion for animals in general directs me to continue my training in the agricultural field. But I miss the character of the Berger Blanc Suisse and I came across, through internet searches, the announcement of the owner who will give me his 18 month old BBS a few days later. FOX arrives at the house, a little upset by his abandonment but quickly becomes Glass's favorite accomplice.

The “NOX WELL” kennel is an acronym of the first names of our dogs and cats who shared our house at the time of its creation in 2018. Fox is the founder of our kennel. Confirmed at the age of 7 for his marriage to Megara, he gave us the pleasure of taking care of our very first white wonders of Nox Well.

Living every day alongside our whites is an inestimable opportunity, and each marriage is designed to give birth to puppies that are even better than their parents. Puppies that will give you at least as much pleasure as I had sharing my life with Arka, Glass, Fox, and all those who followed.

I almost forgot to tell you that Glass is getting older and I know that soon she will reach the stars. The Belgian Shepherd is an incredible dog with immense qualities. He is an intense dog in everything. It is often said ; “Whoever adopts a Belgian shepherd, never stops having a Belgian.” I am no exception to the rule, and that is why we decided to breed Belgian Shepherds. Resistance For Muse by Kertanhyys is our very first breeder. She's a fantastic dog who made an astonishing choice... we'll tell you more about it later.


I grew up with dogs and horses. But in 2013, I met the White Swiss Shepherd and the Belgian Shepherd through FOX and GLASS that Tiphaine already owned. His dogs quickly adopted me and made me want to get involved with them. Apart from my involvement in training, adult maintenance and litter care, I work as an independent salesperson.


We are the three little guys of the house.

We grow up with our Whites and our Belgians every day. We have favorites but we won't say which ones. We often participate in the photos of the puppies you see on the site and social media.

A word from Alaric: “I often do dog shows with Résistance, I am her little master because she chose me”.

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